Thursday 26 June 2008

Games youth play

Melodic Montreal rockers The Mission District take making music seriously.

And though the support of family, friends and media �including Perez Hilton, who has written extensively about the six-piece outfit  � is important, band members say what really matters is connecting with fans.

�The main thing about our record is that our fans absolutely love it, and (that�s) helped us make new ones as well,� vocalist Dave Rancourt tells Metro. �It�s the only feedback that really counts.�

Debut album, Youth Games, which hit stores in March, is influenced by a variety of �80s British pop acts such as The Cure, Tears For Fears and Talk Talk as well as American pop groups Weezer, Jimmy Eat World and The Get Up Kids

The record is  full of catchy beats and melodies and sing-a-long lyrics.

�Our sound is extremely energetic pop ... with hit you over the head choruses that will stay in your head for days and make you want to dance around your apartment (or) house, � says Rancourt. The lyrics are based on personal experience as well as fictional stories, but are rooted in a coming of age theme.

The band members are quick to say they have little interest in becoming a part of Canada�s established indie rock scene.

�We don�t care about the indie crowd,� says Rancourt. �And we actually know how to write hooks.�

The band are working on a few projects at the moment, including a tour and working on a video for Youth Games that should be ready by late June.

For more information visit the band�s website at

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